Enrichment activities and internet resources to enhance the teaching of Even Firefighters Hug Their Moms by Christine Kole MacLean.
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Even Firefighters Hug Their Moms

by Christine Kole MacLean

Even Firefighters Hug Their Moms

This touching picture book is about a little boy and the heroes he loves to pretend to be – Big Frank the firefighter, Officer Dave the policeman, Dan the construction worker. He loves to rescue people at sea, help the sick, and put out fires. What the little tough guy doesn't have time for is hugging his mom – until she convinces him that even heroes hug their moms.

To buy this book, click here or on the book cover.

Enrichment Activities
Internet Resources

Enrichment Activities

  • Appreciation Cards
    Have students make Appreciation Cards for people who have jobs that impact the students'.

  • Characteristics of Heroes
    Write a list of character traits on the board (like bravery, intelligence, etc). Go through the character traits one at a time and discuss whether each particular trait would make a person a hero. Then have the group write down which of those traits they see in their friends and in themselves.

  • Fireboat: The Heroic Adventures of the John J. Harvey
    This inspiring true story is about a retired New York City fireboat that came back into service to assist during the September 11 terrorist attacks.

  • Empathy and Peace-Building Activities
    Use these activities with young children to help them learn about each other, communicate positive messages, and more.

  • If I Were a Hero, I Would...
    Have your students write an essay called, "If I Were a Hero, I Would…" Will they care about their friends, help their parents, be kind to people, say hello to neighbors? This exercise encourages students to think of themselves as heroes and feel good about it.

  • Listing Heroes
    Write a list of professions on the board (like police officer, firefighter, teacher, etc). Go through each profession and have the children name people they know in those professions. Then discuss whether those people are heroes and how they can affect the lives of other people.

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