Tape Recorder Fight Role Play
Student 1: Wants to use the tape recorder
Student 2: Is using the tape recorder
Scene: A classroom
Student 1: Quick! I've got to use the tape recorder!
Student 2: But I'm using it now. I'm listening to this story.
Student 1: That's not important. We need it for this play we're doing.
Student 1: No-we already have enough people. There's no room for you. Student 2: (pauses) I'm using the tape recorder. Student 1: Don't be a jerk! You can listen to that story anytime. We really need it now! Student 2: So do I. Student 1: No you don't. See if I do anything for you ever again. You slob! You pig! You jerk! Student 2: Oh! I'm telling on you! Student 1: I'm telling on you too, creep face! Return to Acting Out Conflict lesson plan. Excerpted from Elementary Perspectives: Teaching Concepts of Peace and Conflict by William J. Kreidler.