- Students will practice resolving conflicts.
- Students will review the Problem Solving Technique for resolving conflicts.
- Copies of the Tape Recorder Fight script
- Puppets for younger students
- After students have been introduced to the Problem Solving approach to conflict resolution, give them a chance to practice the technique by acting out a conflict resolution skit.
- Have student volunteers act out the Tape Recorder Fight. When they have finished, take the class through the problem solving approach.
- When the class has decided which solution it likes best, have the players act it out. Is it a win-win resolution?
- There may be several solutions the class likes. The actors may try acing out all of them.
- Once older students have the idea of conflict resolution skits, have them work in small groups to create their own. They can present these to the class. They may even want to present them to younger children.
- Once all of the skits have been performed, conduct a class discussion using the following questions:
- What makes the conflicts in the skits escalate?
- What words can people say to indicate that they want to stop the fight and try to solve the problem?
- Have you ever had a conflict like this one? How did you resolve it?
Excerpted from Elementary Perspectives: Teaching Concepts of Peace and Conflict by William J. Kreidler.