Whether you're looking to share classic characters with young students or to explore literature in more depth with older readers, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt has something for everyone. From Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel to Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings, you'll find great resources for students of varying ages.
Featured 3th Grade Resources
Indoor Recess Choice Board Activities for Elementary
This menu features a selection of simple and engaging student-choice indoor recess activities.
Simple STEAM Suggestions
Bring Science,Technology, Engineering, Art and Math into the classroom with these fun, cross-curricular projects for ele...
Movement Activities for Elementary Students
Break up the day and get your students moving with these movement activities for elementary students.
Related Resources
Write a Letter to a Friend
In this creative writing printable, students imagine they've moved to a new state and write a letter to a friend about t...
The Polar Express Drawing Sheet: What's inside Santa's gift bag?
What's inside Santa's gift bag? Children use their imagination to complete this Christmas drawing.
"Curious About..." Stationery (Unlined)
Ask children to write or draw what they are curious about in the unlined space provided on this printable Curious George...
"Curious About..." Stationery (Lined)
Discover what interests children as they write about their curiosities on this lined stationery.
The Polar Express Stationery
Use this reproducible stationery to write about The Polar Express.
First Year Letters Classroom Activities
Discussion questions and cross-curricular letter-writing activities in this printable packet will extend students' learn...