5 great ideas for celebrating Dr. Seuss's birthday!
Get Dr. Seuss Day lesson ideas and printable classroom activities to celebrate Theodor Seuss Geisel's birthday and Read Across America Day on March 2. Click through this gallery to view each teaching resource.
Read Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Seuss, then practice measuring amounts with a school readiness activity. This lesson provides early mathematics thinking experiences for preschool children.
Ready to Rhyme with Hop on Pop (Pre-K–1)
Use Hop on Pop by Dr. Seuss to develop phonological awareness. Students will identify, form, and write rhyming words in this fun lesson for Dr. Seuss Day. This lesson plan is aligned with CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RF.K.2.A.
Dr. Seuss and Resource Use: Featuring The Lorax (Gr. 2–3)
Use these classroom activities with The Lorax by Dr. Seuss to teach kids about natural resources and the potential negative impact humans can have on the environment. This printable includes a 5-page teacher fact sheet about natural resources.
Reading Warm-Up: Theodor Seuss Geisel Biography (Gr. 3–4)
Read about the life and career of beloved author and illustrator Theodor Seuss Geisel. This biography reading warm-up includes a printable reading passage and reading comprehension questions. It's great reading practice for Dr. Seuss Day, celebrated on March 2.
The Dr. Seuss Connection (Gr. 4–7)
Celebrate Dr. Seuss Day and Read Across America (both March 2) with the activities and lesson planning ideas in this printable. Have students write a report on literary techniques and themes in the works of Dr. Seuss in honor of his birthday.
TeacherVision Reading and Discussion Guides
Need more ideas for great books for all grades? TeacherVision has more than 1200 reading and discussion guides... get them here!
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