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Students will be introduced to several parts of the human eye and their functions. Students will create an eye model to see the location of some of the eye parts.

Scientist Teacher Education Partnership Program

Scientist Teacher Education Partnership Program (STEPP)

Brain Science CurriculumGrades 3 and 4Brain Science CurriculumGrades 5 and 6

Scientists at the Shriver Center, University of Massachusetts Medical School in Waltham, Massachusetts, in collaboration with local elementary school educators and administrators have developed a neurobehavioral science education curriculum for use with children in grades 3-6. The Scientist Teacher Education Partnership Program (STEPP) began in 1998 through a grant funded by the Science Education Partnership Awards (SEPA) program of the Division of Clinical Research of the National Center for Research Resources (NCRR/NIH).

The goal of the STEPP project is to enhance science literacy by providing elementary and middle school students with innovative learning experiences that will establish the foundation for broad, socially connected understanding of how the brain works and how brain functioning relates to behavior. In designing the curriculum we have taken advantage of the environment and resources of the Shriver Center, a center of interdisciplinary scientific research training, and clinical service.

Funding provided by NIH-NCRR, Grant # 1R25RR13433, the Eunice Kennedy Shriver Center, University of Massachusetts Medical School and private donors.© Shriver Center, University of Massachusetts Medical School, 2005.

Featured 4th Grade Resources

Simple STEAM Suggestions


Simple STEAM Suggestions

Bring Science,Technology, Engineering, Art and Math into the classroom with these fun, cross-curricular projects for ele...

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Movement Activities for Elementary Students


Movement Activities for Elementary Students

Break up the day and get your students moving with these movement activities for elementary students.

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Indoor Recess Choice Board Activities for Elementary


Indoor Recess Choice Board Activities for Elementary

This menu features a selection of simple and engaging student-choice indoor recess activities.

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Take a Peek Inside Your Brain

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Keep Your Eye on the Ball

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An Inside Look at Our Eyes

Students will be introduced to several parts of the eye and their functions.

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Making Sense of Our Senses

Use a lesson that is designed to help students understand that our brain allows us to function.

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