Create your own Balloons Over Broadway adventures with printable finger puppets, paddle puppets, stick puppets, and a paper parade hat. This activity kit also includes a reproducible Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade maze and balloon drawing activity.
Whether you're looking to share classic characters with young students or to explore literature in more depth with older readers, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt has something for everyone. From Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel to Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings, you'll find great resources for students of varying ages.
Featured 3th Grade Resources
Simple STEAM Suggestions
Bring Science,Technology, Engineering, Art and Math into the classroom with these fun, cross-curricular projects for ele...
Movement Activities for Elementary Students
Break up the day and get your students moving with these movement activities for elementary students.
Indoor Recess Choice Board Activities for Elementary
This menu features a selection of simple and engaging student-choice indoor recess activities.
Related Resources
Backyardigans Finger Puppets
Encourage creativity outside the classroom with these printable finger puppets from The Backyardigans.
Saturday Night at the Dinosaur Stomp Activity Kit
A word search, drawing and coloring sheets, and a fill-in-the-blank story activity will extend students' enjoyment of Sa...
Crazy Hair Day Hairdo Activities
Create crazy hairdos for Stanley Birdbaum and his classmates with fun extension activities for Crazy Hair Day! These pri...
Balloons Over Broadway: The True Story of the Puppeteer of the Macy's Day Parade Educator's Guide
Share the story of Tony Sarg, puppeteer extraordinaire, by reading Balloons Over Broadway: The True Story of the Puppete...
A Birthday Cake is No Ordinary Cake Activity Kit
Celebrate birthdays and learn about the Earth's journey around the sun.
Valentine Activity Kit for The Yuckiest, Stinkiest, Best Valentine Ever
Celebrate Valentine's Day in your classroom by making valentines, playing candy heart tic-tac-toe, and creating a Valent...