Learning About Voice Through Photographs Assessment
Name: _____________________________
Name of Partner: _____________________
Follow these steps and turn this worksheet in to your teacher when finished.
- Circle all of the adjectives in your narration. If you need help identifying adjectives, ask your partner.
- Look at your brainstorming notes. Now underline any words in your paragraph that were also on your brainstorming sheet.
- Read your paragraph aloud to your partner.
- After you’ve read it, ask your partner the following questions and write his or her responses here:
- Who am I?
- What am I thinking or feeling?
- How do you know this?
- Do these thoughts and feelings make sense to you when you look at the same photograph?
- Did I use first person in my entire paragraph?
- Now, based on your partner’s feedback, rate how you did by circling the word that best describes your attempt at this activity:
Excellent Good Needs Work