Note: Emoticon faces are shown sideways - you must tilt your head to the left to view them properly. Also note that most of these faces can be created with or without a nose (see smiling and frowning examples).
:) or :-) = Smiling | :-P = Tongue out :-! = Foot in mouth :-I = Not talking :-X = Mute :-$ = Mouth wired shut :-& = Tongue-tied :-x = Kissing { } = Hug :-*) = Kiss :-6 = Eating something sour :-Q = Smoking ?-( = Black eye :-Z = Sleeping X-) = Unconscious #-) = Dead 8-) = Wearing glasses B-) = Wearing shades B:-) = Wearing sunglasses on head [:-) = Wearing a Walkman }:-> = Devil 0:-) = Angel *:o) = Clown 5:-) = Elvis |