Avoiding Classroom Distractions: The Teacher Face Avoiding Classroom Distractions: The Teacher Face

Use the teacher face to keep students on task and avoid annoying classroom distractions.

Avoiding Annoying Classroom Distractions: Review the Rules and Procedures Avoiding Annoying Classroom Distractions: Review the Rules and Procedures

Periodically review the rules and procedures of your classroom to avoid annoying classroom distractions.

Avoiding Annoying Classroom Distractions: The Ticketing System Avoiding Annoying Classroom Distractions: The Ticketing System

Use a ticketing system to keep students on track and avoid annoying classroom behavior.

Avoiding Annoying Classroom Distractions: Giving Specific Praise for Actions Avoiding Annoying Classroom Distractions: Giving Specific Praise for Actions

Point out correct behavior by praising specific actions by students.

Avoiding Annoying Classroom Distractions Group Contract Avoiding Annoying Classroom Distractions: Group Contract

Creating a group contract between you and your class will help students stay on track.

2015 Nepal Gorkha Earthquake: Day 0 to Year 1

This video documents International Federation of the Red Cross disaster relief efforts for the Nepal Gorkha Earthquake. The video focuses on the…

How to Make Playdough for Your Classroom Make Homemade Playdough for Your Classroom

Homemade playdough is easy (and fun!) to make! Save yourself some time and money at the craft store and try out these quick and easy playdough…

Animated Math Video: Subtract Mixed Numbers Grade 5

In this video, Carlos practices more subtraction problems with mixed number models.

Animated Math Video: Picture Graphs Grade 2

In this video, Emily learns how to present numerical data with pictographs.

Animated Math Video: Use Models to Subtract Mixed Numbers Grade 5

In this video, Carlos learns strategies to subtract mixed numbers using models.

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