Avoiding Classroom Distractions: The Teacher Face | Use the teacher face to keep students on task and avoid annoying classroom distractions. |
Avoiding Annoying Classroom Distractions: Review the Rules and Procedures | Periodically review the rules and procedures of your classroom to avoid annoying classroom distractions. |
Avoiding Annoying Classroom Distractions: The Ticketing System | Use a ticketing system to keep students on track and avoid annoying classroom behavior. |
Avoiding Annoying Classroom Distractions: Giving Specific Praise for Actions | Point out correct behavior by praising specific actions by students. |
Avoiding Annoying Classroom Distractions: Group Contract | Creating a group contract between you and your class will help students stay on track. |
2015 Nepal Gorkha Earthquake: Day 0 to Year 1 | This video documents International Federation of the Red Cross disaster relief efforts for the Nepal Gorkha Earthquake. The video focuses on the… |
Make Homemade Playdough for Your Classroom | Homemade playdough is easy (and fun!) to make! Save yourself some time and money at the craft store and try out these quick and easy playdough… |
Animated Math Video: Subtract Mixed Numbers Grade 5 | In this video, Carlos practices more subtraction problems with mixed number models. |
Animated Math Video: Picture Graphs Grade 2 | In this video, Emily learns how to present numerical data with pictographs. |
Animated Math Video: Use Models to Subtract Mixed Numbers Grade 5 | In this video, Carlos learns strategies to subtract mixed numbers using models. |