recent videos

Describing Accuracy with Percent Error This video demonstrates how to solve a percent error by analyzing the estimated value and actual value.
Using Function Tables When Given Input and Output Values Use this video to show students how they can use function tables to find exactly one output value for every input value.
How to Solve an Equation with Variable Terms This video explains how students can set two expressions equal to each other, then find the value of the variable that makes the expressions equal.
How to use Building Figures to Transform and Analyze Two Dimensional Shapes Students can use "Building Figures" software to transform, rotate, reflect, and scale a figure in a plane.
Writing an Equation Given a Word Problem This video explains how to use key information from a word problem to translate words into an equation to solve for "x."
Finding Area by Multiplying Base and Height This video explains how to find the area of a rectangle by multiplying the base times its height, or A=BH.
Finding the Absolute Value of a Number Students will understand the absolute value of a rational number given its distance from 0 on the number line.
Dividing Three Digit Numbers Using Models This video uses a model to explain the step-by-step process of dividing a three-digit number by a one-digit number.
Determining Rational, Irrational, and Real Numbers Use this video to show students the difference between rational and irrational numbers, integers, whole, and natural numbers.
How to Divide Numbers Through Long Division Students will learn how to divide whole numbers by following these steps: divide, multiply, subtract, and compare.
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