Animated Math Video: Identify the Number 0 Grade K

In this video, Alex learns the number 0 and quantity of "none" using comparative quantities 2 and 3.

Animated Math Video: Count 4 and 5 Grade K

In this video, Alex learns to count to 4 and 5.

Animated Math Video: Read and Write 1, 2 and 3 Grade K

In this video, Alex learns how to read, count with and write the numbers 1, 2 and 3.

Animated Math Video: Count to Subtract Grade 1

In this video, Jackson uses a number line to learn how to subtract.

The Day and Night Pattern Use this animation to help students visualize the day and night pattern.
Writing Rational Numbers in Fraction Form Students will expand their knowledge of rational numbers with this video. They will learn about rational numbers written as fractions shown on a…
Grammar Song: Types of Verbs Learn your verbs with this fun grammar song. Sing about main verbs, helping verbs, linking verbs, verb phrases, regular verbs, irregular verbs,…
Determining the Sign of a Product of Integers Show students using this video that they can use the signs of an integer to determine if the product will be negative or positive.
Using Inverse in Multiplication and Division This video shows students the inverse relationship between multiplication and division. They will also learn to use the inverse to check their…
Understanding Proportional Relationships and Equivalent Ratios Help students understand the concept of proportional relationships between two quantities. They will use this knowledge to write an equivalent ratio.
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