Animated Math Video: Count on to Add Grade 1

In this video, Jackson uses cube trains to learn how to count on to solve addition problems.

Animated Math Video: Solve Problems Using Put Together Take Apart Grade 1

In this video, Emily writes a subtraction sentence to find the missing part of a whole…

Animated Math Video: Solve Problems and Compare Situations Grade 1

In this video, Marta learns how to compare groups of items, without counting them, to determine which group has more.

Animated Math Video: Compare by Weight Grade K

In this video, Marta learns the concept of weight, and the measurement of weight using a scale.

Animated Math Video: Compare by Capacity Grade K

In this video, Marta learns the concept of capacity, and how to estimate capacity using more, less and simple measuring tools.

Animated Math Video: Comparing 2-D and 3-D Shapes Grade K

In this video, Jackson learns to identify and label basic three-dimensional geometric shapes (cube, sphere, cone, cylinder) and compare them to…

Animated Math Video: Comparing Solid Figures Grade K

In this video, Jackson learns the properties of basic three-dimensional geometric shapes by selecting the best shapes (cube, sphere, cylinder,…

Animated Math Video: Count Forward from Any Number to 100

In this video, Carlos learns to count forward by tens on a hundred chart.

Animated Math Video: Count by Tens and Ones Grade K

In this video, Carlos learns how to count and write a large number of objects by arranging them into groups of tens and ones.

Animated Math Video: Count and Write 18, 19, and 20 Grade K

In this video, Jada learns to count, read and write the numbers 18, 19 and 20 using groups of 10 and individual numbers.

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