Animated Math Video: Apply Properties with 6 and 7 as Factors Grade 3 | In this video, Carlos uses the distributive property to simplify equations with 6 and 7 as factors. |
Animated Math Video: The Distributive Property Grade 3 | In this video, Carlos uses arrays to learn about the distributive property of multiplication. |
Animated Math Video: 2 and 5 as Factors Grade 3 | In this video, Carlos learns about patterns in the multiplication of 2 and 5. |
Animated Math Video: Division as Repeated Subtraction Grade 3 | In this video, Emily learns how to divide by using repeated subtraction. |
Animated Math Video: Multiplication on the Number Line Grade 3 | In this video, Jada uses a number line to do multiplication by skip counting. |
Animated Math Video: Bar Graphs Grade 2 | In this video, Emily learns how to read numerical data from bar graphs. |
Animated Math Video: Centimeters and Meters Grade 2 | In this video, Daniel uses a meter stick to estimate the length of various objects. |
Animated Math Video: Measure with Centimeters Grade 2 | In this video, Jackson uses a centimeter ruler to estimate the length of various objects. |
Animated Math Video: Measure with Inches Grade 2 | In this video, Daniel uses inches on a ruler to estimate the length and height of various objects. |
Animated Math Video: Estimating Length Grade 2 | In this video, Daniel learns how to estimate the length of different objects using the units inch, foot and yard. |