Understanding September 11: Answering Questions About the Attacks on America
by Mitch FrankTo buy this book, click here or on the book cover.
Enrichment ActivitiesQuestion and AnswerHave students mimic the style of this book and create their own books on timely topics. Some possible subjects for them to write about are: The Influence of Television, Democracy in America, The Importance of an Education, The Bill of Rights, Discrimination. Chapters via PowerPoint Break your class into cooperative groups and assign each group a different chapter from the book. Have them create a PowerPoint presentation that reflects the important points of the chapter. Across the bottom of each page runs a timeline. Have your students recreate the timeline on large chart paper and display it in your classroom. Letter to the Future Ask your students to write a letter to a student 50 years from now. They will explain what happened on September 11, 2001, why it happened, and how it impacted them. Heroes/ Heroines There were many acts of heroism during and after September 11. Ask your class to create a postage stamp, a tee shirt, or a poster honoring a group or individual who acted heroically. Poetic Interpretation Ask students to interpret a meaningful piece of information they learned from this book as a shape poem. Illustrate the poems and publish them to share with parents and other classes. About the Author Mitch Frank is an accomplished author/reporter whom your students will enjoy knowing more about. Ask them to write a biography for him, using the Internet. You may want to give them copies of some of his writings so they can experience his work in another genre. Internet ResourcesAmerica RespondsGrade Levels: Intermediate, Secondary PBS developed resources to help teachers and their students understand and cope with the 9/11 national tragedy. http://www.pbs.org/americaresponds/educators.html Beyond September 11, 2001 Grade Levels: All Use this collection of articles, lessons, and advice to help your students understand and cope with the horrible events of September 11, 2001, as well as motivate them to improve their world. http://teachervision.com/lesson/6807 Images from Ground Zero Grade Levels: All Within a few days of the September 11, 2001 attack on the World Trade Center in New York, the Museum of the City of New York engaged the noted photographer Joel Meyerowitz to create an archive of the destruction and recovery at Ground Zero and the immediate neighborhood. Joel Meyerowitz Ground Zero Photography New York Times Learning Network Grade Levels: Intermediate, Secondary Interdisciplinary lessons developed in partnership with The Bank Street College of Education in New York City. http://www.nytimes.com/learning/general/specials/terrorism/index.html September 11 Digital Archive Grade Levels: Intermediate, Secondary The September 11 Digital Archive uses electronic media to collect, preserve, and present the history of the September 11, 2001 attacks in New York, Virginia, and Pennsylvania as well as the public responses to them. http://911digitalarchive.org/ September 11 Teacher Resources Grade Levels: All Find lessons and helpful suggestions to deal with this difficult topic. http://teachervision.com/lesson/6807 Video Interpretations Grade Levels: Intermediate, Secondary Watch independently-produced, one-minute videos showcasing diverse reactions to the September 11 tragedies. http://www.itvs.org/9.11/ |