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Learn about the importance of fall harvest and how it’s celebrated around the world with this lesson plan and worksheet for Kindergarten. This lesson is great for Thanksgiving, or for combining with fall or harvest activities.

What is the Day of Harvest?

Learn the importance of the harvest with this engaging harvest-theme lesson. Thanksgiving is a special holiday for many Americans because it reminds us to be thankful for our families and the food we have to eat. This holiday was inspired by the original harvest feast between the Wampanoag and the newcomers, also known as the Pilgrims, more than 400 years ago.

Many people all around the world celebrate the fall harvest with harvest festivals and other celebrations. Use these lesson plan ideas and the worksheet to discuss the importance and differences of harvest time all across the globe.

What's Inside:

  • Step-by-step printable lesson plan
  • Worksheet with harvest examples from around the world
  • Helpful links for research or examples.

Lesson details:

  • Show pictures of different kinds of harvests from around the world and ask students to compare and contrast the foods in the pictures. Ask the students how many of these foods they are familiar with. The instructor may want to print out these images and connect them to the countries and/or regions on a world map, pointing out the distance to their class location.
  • Encourage students to notice what these festivals have in common.
  • Have students notice that different kinds of food are grown in different parts of the world, e.g. the Three Sisters in North America, Rice in Asia, Yams in Africa, etc.
  • Share with the students the included images and reference links, highlighting different harvests from around the world.

Although this lesson has been designed for Kindergarten, it could easily be adapted to add research extension tasks for first or second grade fall activities.

Bioneers: Revolution From The Heart Of Nature



​​​​Bioneers is an innovative nonprofit organization that highlights breakthrough solutions for restoring people and planet, with dynamic programs and initiatives focused on game-changing initiatives related to Restorative Food Systems, Biomimicry, Rights of Nature, Indigeneity, Women’s Leadership, and Youth Leadership. Their Indigeneity Program provides accurate and contemporary information about Indigenous science, media, and curriculum for social change.

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