- Students will improve their reading comprehension through creating and playing a board game.
- Students will learn how to write inference and recall questions.
- Paper
- Pencils
- Index cards
- Art Supplies
- Before students begin writing questions for the trivia game, encourage them to use two different types of questions (inference questions and recall questions) in order to make the game more challenging.
- Explain to students that recall questions ask factual questions that haveonly one answer.
(Q:What shape is the scar on Harry Potter's forehead? A: A lightning bolt)
Inference questions, however, ask questions that require an opinion as an answer.(Q: Does Dumbledore make fair decisions when it come to Hagrid?)
Since this type of question can have more than one correct answer, explain to students that a correct answer to an inference question is one in which the answer is supported by facts from the book.(A: Dumbledore does make fair decisions when it comes to Hagrid. One example is that he let Hagrid remain as groundskeeper at Hogwarts after he was expelled as a student.)
- Break students into small groups and ask them to create a stack of inference and recall question cards with the question on one side of an index card and the answer on the other.
- Once those have been completed, have each group create a game board and write up a set of simple rules.
- Once the games are finished, allow the groups to switch and playeach others' games.
- Explain to students that recall questions ask factual questions that haveonly one answer.