The Ultimate Printable Journal for Teacher Mindfulness, Self-Care and Gratitude
Take some all important time for self-care and mindfulness with this detailed, thoughtful, and helpful printable journal filled with inspiration and ideas for teacher self-care, mindfulness journaling exercises, and activities for mindfulness and gratitude. Whether you’re new to mindfulness and gratitude for self-care, or simply looking for mindfulness resources for teachers, the information, guidance, and ready-to-use printables in this journal provide everything you need to incorporate mindfulness into your regular self-care practices.
Benefits of Mindfulness for Teachers
It goes without saying that teaching is a demanding and often stressful profession. With pressures coming from all directions, inside and outside the classroom, teachers are more likely to experience work-related stress, and suffer from the impacts this has on both physical and mental health. Self-care is essential for teachers to ensure that they stay healthy and ready to take on the many challenges of teaching. After all, how can you care for others without caring for yourself first?
Mindfulness is one approach to self-care that can be relatively easy to incorporate into your daily or weekly routines. It’s been shown that regular mindfulness practices can improve sleep, awareness, self-esteem and the ability to empathize with others, whilst also reducing stress-levels, anxiety, and depression.
What’s Included?
- A helpful introduction to self-care, mindfulness and gratitude, with ideas and opportunities to reflect on what works best for you
- Individual self-care, mindfulness and gratitude journals, with weekly and daily journal pages
- Printable mindfulness coloring pages
- Monthly and yearly mood tracker printables
- Self-care, mindfulness and gratitude resources specifically for teachers, including ideas for the school day and teaching achievements reward checklist.
What’s Inside?
Introduction to Self-Care (pages 3-9)
- Your Self-Care Journal
- Teacher Self-Care Quotes
- Words of Affirmation
Self-Care Section (pages 10-18)
- 5 Types of Self-Care
- Self-Care Inventory
- Self-Care Checklist
- Self-Care That Works For Me
- Self-Care Goals
- Weekly Self-Care Journal Pages
- Daily Self-Care Journal Pages
Mindfulness Section (pages 19-28)
- What Is Mindfulness?
- Why Is Mindfulness Important?
- 5 Mindfulness Ideas
- Body Scan Chart
- Mindfulness Coloring Mandala 1
- Mindfulness Coloring Mandala 2
- Mindfulness That Works for Me
- Mindfulness Goals
- Daily Mindfulness Journal Pages
- Weekly Reflection Journal Pages
Gratitude Section (pages 29-37)
- What Is Gratitude?
- 7 Top Gratitude Ideas to Try
- Gratitude That Works for Me
- Gratitude Goals
- Weekly Gratitude Journal Pages
- Daily Gratitude Journal Pages
- List of Gratitude
- Reverse Bucket List
Self-care, Mindfulness and Gratitude as a Teacher (pages 38-41)
- Self-Care, Mindfulness and
- Gratitude Ideas for the School Day
- Self-Care, Mindfulness and
- Gratitude Teaching Achievements
- Yearly Mood Tracker
- Monthly Mood Tracker
Personal Pages (pages 42-49)
- Self-Care, Mindfulness and
- Gratitude Reading List
- Supportive People Pages
- Inspiration Pages
- Wish Lists
- Thoughts and Notes