Prepare yourself for parent-teacher conferences by having the answers for some very important questions, sure to be discussed at your parent-teacher conference. New teachers, unfamiliar with the dynamics of conferences, should find this resource particularly valuable.

Parent-Teacher Conferences: Five Important Questions

Prepare yourself for parent-teacher conferences by thinking about what information parents really should have.

Here are some examples.

  1. What skills and knowledge will your students be expected to master this year?

  • What will your students learn this year in key subjects like math, science,history, and English?
  • Are there challenging academic standards in place at your school, andhow do they compare with those at other school districts? Show these standards to parents.
  • How will you inform students about the academic standards they're expectedto meet? What kinds of projects and assignments have you planned that willhelp your students meet higher academic standards?

  • How will your students be evaluated?

    • What kind of information do you use to evaluate students? How do youknow if they're academically ready to move on to the next grade?
    • How are grades determined in your classroom?

  • What can parents do to stay more involved in their child's academic progress?

    • What can they do at home to complement what is happening in the classroom?
    • How can they know on a daily basis what homework has been assigned?
    • How can they support your efforts in implementing higher academicstandards?

  • How do you accommodate differences in learning?

    • What if their child is a slow learner and falls behind, or is a fastlearner and is bored?
    • Are summer school, tutoring, or other programs available for studentswho need more help?

  • How are older students prepared for further learning after high school?

    • Are children encouraged to think about a wide variety of career interests?
    • Are all students encouraged to take algebra by the end of eighth grade?

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