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When a school community experiences the death of a student, there is often the very human tendency to want to do something in memory of the deceased student. The one circumstance that may give schools pause in permitting these types of remembrances is when the death is by suicide. This powerful informational guide from The Society for the Prevention of Teen Suicide gives a deep, nuanced, and helpful look at the pros and cons of student memorials after a suicide. Appropriate as a handout for parents, and also useful for educators as part of a prevention training or in-service.

The Society for the Prevention of Teen Suicide, Inc.

Provided in partnership with The Society for the Prevention of Teen Suicide. The mission of the Society for the Prevention of Teen Suicide is to reduce the number of youth suicides and attempted suicides by encouraging public awareness through the development and promotion of educational training programs.

Related Resources

FACTS: The Warning Signs for Teen and Child Suicide


FACTS: The Warning Signs for Teen and Child Suicide

This printable from the Society for the Prevention of Teen Suicide provides an easy-to-understand method for identifying...

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Parent Handout: Talking to Your Kids About Suicide


Parent Handout: Talking to Your Kids About Suicide

The unfortunate truth is that suicide can happen to any child in any family at any time - it's the second leading cause ...

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Talking to Students and Teachers in the Aftermath of Suicide


Talking to Students and Teachers in the Aftermath of Suicide

When suicide takes place at a school, the student's peers and classroom teachers are the groups most affected by a sudde...

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Parent Handout: When a Child's Friend Attempts Suicide


Parent Handout: When a Child's Friend Attempts Suicide

Provided by the Society for the Prevention of Teen Suicide, this printable handout provides parents with information on ...

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Preventing Teen Suicide: A First-Person Message for Teens

This message from a teen gives insight into suicide and depression.

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Suicide Prevention

This factsheet gives pupils information about suicide and offers advice to help them identify classmates who might be at...

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