Students learn who their state and U.S. representatives are, discuss major political issues, and write letters to…
Students read about the Progressive Movement and "The Age of Reform" in this printable reading warm-up. After reading…
Play bingo with election vocabulary to have fun and assess your students' knowledge of the words. This is a great game…
Newt Gingrich, a former U.S. representative and Speaker of the House in the 1990's, returned to the spotlight as a…
Ron Paul, a U.S. Representative from Texas, is a staunch advocate of limited government. He is among the politicians…
Rick Santorum, a former U.S. senator from Pennsylvania, makes headlines as the conservative alternative in the 2012 race…
An article outlining the Tea Pot Dome scandal.
Enrich your language arts or social studies unit with this reading guide for the biography Hillary Rodham Clinton:…
Discuss John McCain's time in the U.S. Navy and as a POW with the questions in this reading guide for the biography My…
The lesson planning resources in this discussion guide for Vote! will involve students of all ages in the electoral…
Spark students’ interest in politics and build reading skills with this packet of reading comprehension activities for…
Teach your students about presidential elections with these Election Day activities for elementary students (grades…
In this lesson students will be asked to generate vocabulary related to elections. They will find these words in the…