Read an overview of the Great Depression.
Vocabulary related to the Depression era is reviewed.
Pupils will enhance their knowledge of economics as they define each term using complete sentences.
Use these discussion questions to check your students' comprehension of A Year Down Yonder.
Use this worksheet in combination with the "Lessons from History" lesson.
Read about the Dust Bowl and its implications for farmers in the 1930s.
A list of ideas for written or oral reports concerning the 1920's.
Use this scoring guide in combination with the "Lessons from History" lesson.
Use this discussion guide to integrate Mal Peet's young adult novel Beck into classroom learning and independent…
Distribute this overview of key events, people, and places from 1930 to 1939 to provide lots of ideas for projects and…
Distribute a chart that details the New Deal programs.
Here's a look at three New Deal programs: the Civilian Conservation Corps, the Agricultural Adjustment Act, and the…
Study the programs that helped to get the United States through the Depression.
Use these worksheet to teach students about the Great Depression. Children will read a passage, review vocabulary, write…
Here is information on the 1930s and the New Deal, which will be helpful when teaching the A New Deal for the Arts…
Distribute a rubric that will guide the teacher in grading the activity from the New Deal lesson plan.
Use this group activity when teaching the New Deal lesson plan.
Use this historical fiction reading passage to start a conversation about life during the Depression. This printable…