Refer to the diagram of the solar system in this printable to answer questions about mass and gravity. As a skill…
With this graphic organizer, students sort objects that are lighter or heavier than a pencil into two columns. This…
Review the meaning of physical science terms with the vocabulary worksheet and word puzzle about force in this…
Students compare the weights of several objects to the weight of their shoe.
Review elements and atoms key terms with this printable vocabulary worksheet for physical science.
Encourage critical thinking in science with this worksheet. This printable asks students to complete statements about…
Students explore the concept of equivalent weights.
Students are asked to fill an elevator to full capacity with people.
Students identify light and heavy objects.
Students observe and describe the shape, color, hardness, and other properties of three objects. They then measure the…
Introduce your students to a lab that evaluates a student's ability to describe items based on their physical…
Students work together to explore mass.
Students work together to explore weight.
Student use a balance scale and block to determine the relative weights of shoes, crayons, and other common items.
Students identify an object in a paper bag by feeling it.
Students predict which objects will weigh more than a block, and circle them. They underline items that they think will…
Students explore how many small objects it takes to balance out a large object.
Review how displacement is used to determine volume in this physical science printable.
Review students' knowledge of mass and weight with this printable worksheet about math and science concepts.
Assess students' understanding of mass and weight with this measurement worksheet. This printable reviews units of the…
Evaluate students' knowledge of measurement concepts with this math and science printable. Students will complete each…
Print a worksheet that provides complete directions for constructing a balance, as well as some suggested activities.