Introduce the concept of volume, and give students practice finding volumes of cubes. To find the volume of some of the…
Identify three-dimensional shapes by their names in this printable math worksheet. Shapes include the sphere, cube,…
Three-dimensional shapes are featured in this printable math worksheet. Students match an everyday object to its…
Students draw a circle around the vertex of each 3-dimensional shape.
In this worksheet, students are given directions for building a polyhedra figure. They are asked several questions to…
Students are asked to answer several questions relating to the volume and cubic centimeters of a prism.
Help students identify and learn the names of 3-dimensional shapes with this geometry worksheet.
Ask students to write the name of each 3-dimensional shape in this worksheet.
From memory, students name each 3-dimensional shape in this worksheet.
Using a word box for hints, students write the name of each three-dimensional shape: sphere, cylinder, cube, cone,…
Challenge students to identify the three-dimensional shapes in this printable math worksheet. Shapes include the sphere,…
Reinforce the concept of cubing a number. This geometry worksheet explains how to find the volume of a cube and provides…
Label and count the 3-dimensional shapes in this worksheet. Shapes include: a cube, a cyclinder, a pyramid, a cone, a…
In this worksheet, students are asked to draw a line connecting a 3-dimensional shape to its description.
In this worksheet, students are shown several shapes and are asked to write the number of sides and corners for each…
In this worksheet, students work on identifying the faces, edges and corners of 3-dimensional solids. They are given…
In this worksheet, students answer questions comparing polyhedra figures.
In this worksheet, students investigate the patterns and the faces of pyramids by making their own 3-dimensional…
In this worksheet, students use 2-dimensional drawings of box patterns to determine how many cubes each pattern will…
In this worksheet, students are asked to draw patterns for different three-story buildings. They must specify the…
In this video, Carlos learns the various attributes of the solid figures cone, circle, triangular prism, rectangular…
This video will show students how to find the formula to calculate volume for a cylinder.
This video will show students how to find the formula to calculate volume for a cone.
This video will show students how to find the formula to calculate volume for a sphere.