Use these questions to focus your thoughts and those of other IEP team members.
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Preparing for an IEP

Questions for Each Team Member
It helps if each team member has questions to think about in advance, to focus her thoughts. The following are lists of the kinds of questions that different IEP (Individualized Education Program) team members might need to think about before attending a meeting. Questions such as these could be typed out and distributed to team members several weeks before the meeting, so that everyone has time to prepare for a discussion.

General Education Teacher

  • What are the student's strengths?
  • What is the general education curriculum?
  • What are the state and local educational standards? Where is the student functioning within these?
  • Is the student participating in state and local assessments? If yes, how is she faring?
  • What kind of goals and benchmarks might be important for this student?
  • What learning and instructional strategies and environments work best for this student?
  • What kind of support or help might be important for the student?
  • What kind of support would help me to assist this student?
  • What kind of assistance or information could the family and student provide?
  • Does the student have any behavior issues we should be addressing?

    Special Educators and Related Services Providers

  • What are the student's strengths?
  • Where is the student functioning within the context of the general education curriculum?
  • How is the student faring with the general education state and/or local assessments?
  • What kind of goals and benchmarks do I have for this student?
  • What progress has this student made?
  • What can I do to help this student's performance to improve?
  • Is the student receiving the appropriate and necessary accommodations and modifications?
  • How can the family reinforce what this student is learning at school?
  • Do we need assistance from other persons or agencies?
  • How can we address any behavior issues the student may have?

    Local Education Agency Representative

  • Have I reviewed this student's file?
  • What is the general education curriculum, and what are the district standards and assessments that apply to this student?
  • What options and resources can the district offer in support of this student?
  • Am I authorized to commit these resources?
  • Are the supports in place that will allow this student's teachers to attend the IEP team meeting?
  • What kind of help could the rest of the building staff offer to this student and family?
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