Eyewitness Workbook Stars & Planets is an activity-packed exploration of the world of space and astronomy. Below you will find fast facts, activities and quizzes.
Fast Facts
Read through these fast fact topics that are easy to digest, learn, and remember in order to prepare for learning activities below.

Stars and galaxies
The solar system
Planet Earth
The universe
Looking at space
Space travel
Living in space
These enjoyable activities are designed to develop information recall and help practice cross-referencing skills. Each activity can be completed using the information from the Fast Facts section.

The sky at night
Star distances
The life cycle of stars
The Milky Way
Our nearest star
Gravity in space
Orbiting the Sun
The inner planets
Our home planet
Observing an eclipse
The red planet
Giant planets
Naming the planets
Asteroids, comets, and meteors
Expanding universe
Space shuttle
Living in space
Key dates of space exploration
Quick Quizzes
Once all activity sections are complete, try these multiple-choice questions that test your newfound knowledge of the subject.

Discovering the universe
Stars, galaxies, and constellations
Planets and smaller space bodies
The Sun and solar system
Earth and the Moon
Astronauts and spacecraft