The names and symbols of the constellations are in this chart.

By 270 B.C., people knew 44 constellations by specific names and two more that were unnamed. In 1930 the International Astronomical Union (IAU) declared that no more constellations could be named; it would recognize only the names and boundaries of the 88 constellations known at the time. Astronomers still use this system for charting the constellations. The hemisphere you live in and the time of year determine which star legends you will see.

The 88 Constellations

Name Symbol
Andromeda Princess of Ethiopia
Antlia the Air Pump
Apus The Bird of Paradise
Aquarius The Water Bearer
Aquila The Eagle
Ara The Altar
Aries The Ram
Auriga The Charioteer
Bootes The Herdsman
Caelum The Sculptor's Chisel
Camelopardalis The Giraffe
Cancer The Crab
Canes Venatici The Hunting Dogs
Canis Major The Greater Dog
Canis Minor The Lesser Dog
Capricorn The Sea Goat
Carina The Keel
Cassiopeia The Seated Lady
Centaurus The Centaur
Cepheus King of Ethiopia
Cetus The Sea Monster
Chameleon The Chameleon
Circinus The Compass
Columbia The Dove
Coma Berencies Bernice's Hair
Corona Austrina The Southern Crown
Corona Borealis The Northern Crown
Corvus The Crow
Crater The Cup
Crux The Southern Cross
Cygnus The Swan
Delphinus The Dolphin
Dorado The Swordfish
Draco The Dragon
Equuleus The Colt
Eridanus The River
Fornax The Laboratory Furnace
Gemini The Twins
Grus The Crane
Hercules Hercules
Horologium The Clock
Hydra The Sea Serpent
Hydrus The Water Snake
Indus The American Indian
Lacerta The Lizard
Leo The Lion
Leo Minor The Lion Club
Lepus The Hare
Libra The Balance (Scales)
Lupus The Wolf
Lynx The Lynx
Lyra The Lyre
Mensa The Table Mountain
Microscopium The Microscope
Monoceros The Unicorn
Musca The Fly
Norma The Carpenter's Square
Octans The Octant
Ophiuchus The Serpent Holder
Orion The Great Hunter
Pavo The Peacock
Pegasus The Winged Horse
Perseus The Hero
Phoenix The Phoenix
Pictor The Painter's Easel
Pisces The Fishes
Piscis Austrinus The Southern Fishes
Puppis The Stern
Pyxis The Mariner's Compass
Reticulum The Net
Sagitta The Arrow
Sagittarius The Archer
Scorpio The Scorpion
Sculptor The Sculptor
Scutum The Shield
Serpens The Serpent
Sextans The Sextant
Taurus The Bull
Telescopium The Telescope
Triangulum The Triangle
Triangulum Australe The Southern Triangle
Tucana The Toucan
Ursa Major The Large Bear
Ursa Minor The Small Bear
Vela The Sail
Virgo The Virgin
Volans The Flying Fish
Vulpecula The Little Fox

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