Learn about the number of telephone and internet users by country, from Argentina to Venezuela.

(rates per 1,000 persons)

main lines
1990 2005 1990 2005 1990 2005
Argentina 93 227 570 0 177
Australia 456 564 11 906 6 698
Austria 418 450 10 991 1 486
Belgium 393 461 4 903 458
Brazil 63 230 462 0 195
Bulgaria 250 321 0 807 0 206
Canada 550 566 21 514 4 520
China 6 269 302 0 85
Colombia 69 168 0 479 0 104
Cuba 32 75 0 12 0 17
Czech Republic 157 314 0 1,151 0 269
Ecuador 48 129 0 472 0 47
Egypt 29 140 184 0 68
Finland 535 404 52 997 4 534
France 495 586 5 789 1 430
Germany 401 667 3 960 1 455
Greece 389 568 0 904 0 180
Guatemala 21 99 358 0 79
Hungary 96 333 924 0 297
India 6 45 0 82 0 55
Indonesia 6 58 213 0 73
Ireland 280 489 7 1,012 0 276
Israel 349 424 3 1,120 1 470
Italy 394 427 5 1,232 478
Japan 441 460 7 742 668
South Korea 310 492 2 794 684
Lebanon 144 277 0 277 0 196
Mexico 64 189 1 460 0 181
Netherlands 464 466 5 970 3 739
Norway 503 460 46 1,028 7 735
Pakistan 8 34 82 0 67
Panama 90 136 0 418 0 64
Poland 86 309 0 764 0 262
Russia 140 280 0 838 0 152
Saudi Arabia 75 164 1 575 0 70
Singapore 346 425 17 1,010 0 571
South Africa 94 101 724 0 109
Spain 325 422 1 952 348
Sweden 683 717 54 935 6 764
Switzerland 587 689 19 921 6 498
Thailand 24 110 1 430 0 110
United Kingdom 441 528 19 1,088 1 473
United States 545 606 21 680 8 630
Venezuela 75 136 470 0 125
Source: Human Development Report, 2007/2008, United Nations. Web: hdr.undp.org.


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