Get a sneak peek of what's inside our printable book "Algebra (9-12)," with this slideshow. Students will practice problem solving, quadratic equations, polynomials, statistics, and more. These worksheets and lessons will be an excellent algebra review for high school students.
Real Numbers, Algebra, and Problem Solving, Set 1

Real Numbers, Algebra, and Problem Solving, Set 1

Children will practice their algebra and problem solving skills with this printable.
Equations and Inequalities, Set 1

Equations and Inequalities, Set 1

In this printable, children will use their algebra skills to solve problems. Click here for set 2.
Relations, Functions, and Graphs, Set 1

Relations, Functions, and Graphs, Set 1

Children will practice their relation, function, and graphing skills with this printable.
Systems of Equations and Problem Solving, Set 2

Systems of Equations and Problem Solving, Set 2

Use this printable to test children's mathematic problem solving skills.
Systems of Equations and Problem Solving, Set 4

Systems of Equations and Problem Solving, Set 4

Use this printable to test children's mathematic problem solving skills.
Polynomials and Polynomial Equations, Set 2

Polynomials and Polynomial Equations, Set 2

Print a worksheet that provides word problems that will give children practice with their algebra and polynomial equation skills.
Rational Expressions and Equations, Set 3

Rational Expressions and Equations, Set 3

Children will practice their skill at solving rational expressions and equations with this printable.
Powers, Roots, and Complex Numbers, Set 1

Powers, Roots, and Complex Numbers, Set 1

Children will complete math problems involving powers, roots, and complex numbers with this printable.
Quadratic Equations, Set 1

Quadratic Equations, Set 1

Use a printable to give students practice with solving math problems using quadratic equations.
Matrices and Determinants, Set 1

Matrices and Determinants, Set 1

Use a printable to give students practice with solving math problems using matrices and determinants.
Algebra Printable Book (9-12)

Algebra Printable Book (9-12)

Did you enjoy this slideshow? See the rest of the printable book now! You'll find many more pages of algebra worksheets and lessons to help your students practice their mathematics skills. The book is only available to subscribers, so to see more sign up for a free-trial membership today!

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