
  • Students will use vocabulary related to the history of segregation in the United States.
  • Students will learn about the history of segregation in America.
  • Students will recognize the challenges and prejudice that many African Americans faced in the 1950s.
  • Students will appreciate how the Little Rock Nine influenced the future of education for many African Americans.


  1. Introduce key vocabulary:

    discriminate = to act on the basis of prejudice
    inferior = lower in quality
    prejudice = irrational hatred or suspicion of a specific group, race, or religion
    protest = to express strong objection
    segregate = to impose the separation of a race or class from the rest of a group of people
    U.S. Supreme Court = the highest federal court in the United States

  2. Talk to your students about the Little Rock 9 and school segregation. Note some of the people and groups who helped to fight for an end to segregation.
  3. Discuss the following questions with your students:
    • What are some of the obstacles the Little Rock Nine faced at Central High School.
    • What words would you use to describe the Little Rock Nine students?


  • Use a rubric to assess students' ability to take notes and understand the impact of the Little Rock Nine on the end of segregation in the United States.
  • Find a variety of assessment techniques to use with this lesson.

Extension Activities

  • Explore outstanding lessons and activities in the Black History Month theme.
  • The Little Rock Nine demonstrated that ordinary people can make a difference in changing problems in our world. Have students work in small groups to define a problem in their community. Then have them outline a plan for finding a solution.
  • Invite students to create a display for their school that shows a "before and after" model of the improvements they propose for their community. Have them write and mail letters to their community leaders describing their proposals.

Standards Correlations

National Social Studies Standards
Students develop an understanding of:

  • how reading about and reconstructing the past allows them to develop historical perspective.
  • how diversity within the culture offers strengths and advantages to the society in general, and to their own growth as human beings.
  • how institutions such as schools, churches, families, government agencies, and courts all play integral roles in our lives.

National Educational Technology Standards

  • use technology tools to enhance learning, increase productivity, and promote creativity.
  • practice responsible use of technology systems, information, and software.





  • moves around the website without difficulty.
  • lists at least three people or groups who helped fight segregation and three obstacles the Little Rock Nine faced.
  • provides at least three adjectives to describe the Little Rock Nine.
  • actively participates in a discussion of segregation.



  • moves around the website with some guidance.
  • lists at least two people or groups who helped fight segregation and two obstacles the Little Rock Nine faced.
  • provides at least two adjectives to describe the Little Rock Nine.
  • participates in a discussion of segregation.



  • moves around the website but requires substantial guidance.
  • lists at least one person or group who helped fight segregation and one obstacle the Little Rock Nine faced.
  • provides at least one adjective to describe the Little Rock Nine.
  • minimally participates in a discussion of segregation.



  • is unable to move around the website.
  • is unable to list any details about the people who fought segregation or the obstacles the Little Rock Nine faced.
  • does not participate in a discussion of segregation, appearing to have acquired little or no new knowledge of the topic.


Students learn about the history of segregation in the United States by reading about the Little Rock Nine, a courageous group of students who helped advance educational opportunities for African Americans in the 1950's. It's also a great activity to use during Black History Month (February).

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