205 ready-to-use comments and phrases on academic achievement, improvement, and student progress to use while completing…
This collection of 110 comments and phrases is perfect for end of the year report cards. With examples of positive…
A selection of report card comments specifically suitable for appraising aspects of student performance during distance…
These comments and phrases are appropriate for all students across grade levels and are a great time-saver while doing…
Wondering how and what to write for report card comments for kindergarten? This list of 96 ready-to-use report card…
Should you teach from a textbook? Or rely on other resources? Find the answer here One of the most common resources in…
Wondering how and what to write for report card comments for ESL students and English language learners? This list of…
210 report card comments and phrases focusing on reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills. Appropriate for all…
Bring ancient Greek characters into the classroom with these brief biographies of the top 10 Greek heroes from…
"Frère Jacques" lyrics and translations from the original French into English, German, and more! Song lyrics for the…
A list of 175 ready-to-use descriptive comments and phrases to assist you in writing clear, appropriate math report card…
Download for free! Specific tips for writing effective book reports. Write better book reports using the tips,…