Introduce your class to the musical styles, vocal music, instruments, and tradition of the Han Chinese culture.
Peruse an article that lists areas that you should investigate before accepting a job offer.
Discover thousands of cross-curricular lessons and activities for all grade levels. Find holidays, subject areas, and…
A list of skills usually taught in seventh grade.
This professional development resource will help you understand why measurement matters, so you can explain the concepts…
Students will explore the lives of various jazz musicians, studying the social and historical events current in the…
Students will practice following a pattern and become familiar with the concept of beat in music. They will be…
Students will explore creating moods with music, analyze a story, and the create a musical composition that reflects and…
These ready-to-use educational printables will help you reinforce concepts, enhance parent communications, organize…
Students will explore ragtime music and gain an understanding of its development in relation to jazz. They will also…
The key to effective behavior management is establishing trust. This article details the key points to facilitating a…
Students will learn about the important contributions made by Duke Ellington to the field of jazz, as well as some of…