Suggestions for standard correlations and the benefits of teaching the guitar and keyboard in the classroom.
Young children can learn to understand the organization of language by learning song lyrics. These music lessons include…
Tracy Heibeck, an expert in child development explains how to use multiple intelligences to increase students'…
Discover thousands of cross-curricular lessons and activities for all grade levels. Find holidays, subject areas, and…
Find suggestions on how to make your classroom a peaceful, non-threatening environment. Learn how to increase school…
Some children are both gifted and have Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Diagnosing and working with these…
A mentoring program for girls, called The Demeter Project, is described in detail.
Readers Theatre is an oral reading activity that invites children to become the characters in favorite books and…
Share an article from the Educators for Social Responsibility that details discussing violence and other sensitive and…
Learn practical, easy-to-implement ideas for dealing with ADD students.
Select one of the titles below to view great material that will assist you in teaching these literary classics, old and…
Enhance reading comprehension with a guide that contains an overview of each chapter of Ethan Frome, by Edith Wharton,…