Students will use this sheet of questions to learn about the Wonders of the World. Write your answers on the blank…
Students will go on an internet scavenger hunt of the Wonders of the World - natural, man-made, and ancient.
Two well-defined strategies are described for helping special needs students become independent learners.
Encourage students to follow the step-by-step directions for writing an essay.
Use a teaching guide that includes vocabulary, chapter guides, and extension activities to be used while reading…
Finalize your lessons on how to find the main idea of a story by reading the book The Great Kapok Tree with your class.
Use this reader's guide with adult book groups.
Talking to students about Ukraine? Educators for Social Responsibility has prepared this guide for adults who are…
Share an article from the Educators for Social Responsibility that details discussing violence and other sensitive and…
Heard a lot about social-emotional learning, but not sure how to get started with it in your school or classroom?…
Peruse an article that lists areas that you should investigate before accepting a job offer.
Select one of the titles below to view great material that will assist you in teaching these literary classics, old and…