This reference takes a look at important goddesses around the world.
Begin a chapter-by-chapter study of Why We Can't Wait by Martin Luther King, Jr. with this printable teacher's guide.…
Build a replica of Stonehenge or simply record the path of the sun in this science activity for intermediate students.
Enhance understanding with a teaching guide for the Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, which provides…
Explore teaching activities to be used with The Lost Years of Merlin Epic, by T.A. Barron.
Use this guide on The Secret Garden to stimulate discussions focused on themes, symbols, recurrent motifs, and Frances…
Enhance understanding with a teaching guide for Great Expectations includes background information on Charles Dickens…
An explanation of the primary facet of the presidential election process in the United States. Students learn all about…
Brush up on your knowledge on history and earth, life, and physical sciences with these beautifully illustrated, digital…
Use a teaching guide that includes great information about Henry James as well as discussion questions to be used when…
Read an interview with Brian Jacques conducted by his editor.
Activities, lessons, web resources, and references to teach Jean Fritz's American Revolution books.