The Newbery Award-winning book, Number the Stars, has educated many children about the bravery of the Danish people in…
After reading Lois Lowry's classic novel Number the Stars, play this game of "Jeopardy" with your students. You read…
Have students determine the class attendance by counting the number of stars.
Write the number word "nine" and use the numeral in this math worksheet. Students will draw the stars in the sky, then…
Teachers encourage students to solve each riddle by counting and coloring the correct number of stars.
Count, write, and say the number 9. Children count all the stars in the sky, then copy the pattern to demonstrate…
Students determine the missing numbers in the pattern.
Using numbers up to 18, students create patterns of sums.
Teachers have students count the number of white and gray stars to determine how many children were absent or present in…
A brief history of the United States' flag.
An article describing how scientists have determined the age of the universe.
Using children's songs, these lessons show how to teach music while meeting curriculum standards. There are activities…