Students learn about physical models and mental models, and how they are used in science. They are given model-making tips, they consider what scientific models have in common with models made for enjoyment, and they practice model-making skills.
Featured High School Resources
Writing Differentiation Strategies and Activities for High School
Close learning gaps this Fall with differentiated writing instruction
This resource provides 5 strategies and 2 editabl...
Reading Differentiation Strategies and Activities for High School
Close learning gaps this Fall with differentiated reading instruction
This resource provides 5 strategies and 3 editabl...
Math Differentiation and Remediation Strategies for High School
Close learning gaps with differentiated and remediated math instruction
This resource provides 5 strategies for how to ...
Related Resources
Classifying Process Skills
Students learn about classification systems and how they are used in science.
Communicating Process Skills
Students learn how oral and written communication are used in science.
Inferring Process Skills
Students learn about inferences: they can be reasonable or unreasonable, true or false, and based on accurate or inaccur...
Making Models
Print a worksheet that is a great reference for teaching children how to make scientific models.
Observing Process Skills
Students learn that observations can be accurate, objective, qualitative, and/or qualitative, and that they are usually ...
Predicting Process Skills
Students learn about the role that prediction plays in science, and the fact that scientific predictions are usually tes...