Use a lesson that is designed to expand primary students' summarizing skills using the book Cloudy With a Chance of…
Students learn how to solve music and math problems by finding patterns.
Are you just starting out as a teacher, or are you a veteran teacher who needs to shake up your routine? Find the top…
Need a beginning of the year ice breaker? This game will help pupils get to know their classmates at the beginning of…
Discover thousands of cross-curricular lessons and activities for all grade levels. Find holidays, subject areas, and…
Variety of genres and interesting activities for all reading levels Help your students retain the reading skills the…
This summer enrichment packet is focused on helping secondary students build or freshen reading and writing skills…
Use this activity to help your students recall geography and the location of different countries . With this printable…
Use this Self-Assessment scale to check for students' understanding after a lesson or activity. It can replace a…
Students use their critical thinking skills to consider what constitutes prejudice.
Successful teachers know the difference. Do you? Effective assessment of students is different from student evaluation.…
This professional development resource will help you discover the process and content standards for teaching a…
Integrating education technology into your classroom is an easy and productive way to differentiate instruction,…
Deliver a lesson plan that presents a research project on the solar system.
In this coloring activity, students follow directions to pick the correct colors.
Excellent citizenship report card comments and phrases that will save hours at the end of each marking period and help…
Easy and fun hands-on chemistry experiment Students learn about molecules and solutions with this hands-on science…
An easy way to practice solving analogies before the big test! Analogies are a key part on many standardized tests -…
Setting up a classroom is a daunting challenge - make the most of it with these suggestions Too much stuff, too many…
No math class is complete without centimeter graph paper! This sheet of centimeter graph paper is ready to be filled…
Printable daily or weekly lesson plan template - for any grade level (pre-K through 12th grade) or subject - to simplify…
This slideshow of 10 great books on teaching contains popular teaching references, stories from veteran teachers, and…
Help your students learn a critical 21st Century skill Data analysis is the process of interpreting the meaning of the…
Use a School Readiness Activity to provide early mathematical thinking experiences for preschool children that will…