Help your students learn how to overcome issues independently by integrating problem-solving skills into your lesson…
Reading Warm-Ups Start each day with a new warm-up! These short, self-contained activities can be used in lots of…
Teach students the same technique research mathematicians use! (Seriously.) "Guess and Check" is a problem-solving…
Learn the different parts of lesson plan procedures and how you can increase your students' understanding of your…
With this teaching strategy resource, we show you how to make the most out of KWL charts in your classroom. K-W-L stands…
Extends students' learning experience reading literature. Students will use this printable worksheet to describe in…
Incorporate movement into your music lessons with these fun singing games for "The Telephone Rings", "Ring Around the…
Get ready for your first day of teaching with these ideas on how to show your personality to your students. New…
This is the perfect lesson planning template for student teachers, new teachers, those required to turn them in, or…
Help students find the connections between connections between math and music with these music and math lesson plans,…
Let your sixth-grade students show you how imaginative they can be, with our most popular creative writing printables.…
Download for free! How to use one of the most effective graphic organizers A running record is a way to assess a…
Supplement your study of literature in your middle and high school classrooms, with our most popular lesson plans.…
These get to know you bingo cards make a great back to school activity to help students (and you) get to know each other…
Promote positive community building with these conflict resolution activities for high school students. Suggestions…
Something is missing! Practice comparison skills by spotting the differences in these two drawings of a fun day at the…
Present this Common Core-aligned lesson plan for the book The Very Hungry Caterpillar to help students practice story…
Have your students create reports and presentations that cover all subject areas using PowerPoint. The use of PowerPoint…
Wondering how and what to write for report card comments for preschool? This list of 100 ready-to-use report card…
Students learn more easily when they have a desire to learn Discover the laws of learning and how students use the…
Help your 8th-grade students perfect their writing skills, with our most popular creative writing printables. These…
Reinforce writing readiness skills for early learners Use this printable to help children hone writing readiness skills…
Explore an activity that helps students to get to know one another using animal sounds.
Encourage your students to activate their prior knowledge with this lesson plan on The Three Little Pigs.