These cross-curricular enrichment activities are perfect for teachers and supervisors working with an extended-day…
This nonfiction reading warm-up features a short reading passage and comprehension questions about healthy foods. Use…
Please Note: this material was created for use in a classroom but can be easily modified for homeschooling…
Learn how to effectively use fraction strips, spinners, counters, and more Manipulatives are physical objects that are…
Our most popular printables, activities, and lessons on high school reading comprehension will complement your classroom…
Getting to know your students at the beginning of the year is crucial in establishing a strong teacher-student rapport.
The basics of learning centers - how they work, how to create one, and more! A learning center is a self-contained…
Use Multiple Intelligences theory to help students find careers that suit them best.
Put Galileo's theories to the test with bricks and feathers! Introduce your pupils to the fundamentals of gravity with…
Use a School Readiness Activity to provide early mathematical thinking experiences for preschool children that will…
This creative writing assignment challenges students to write from the perspective of an inanimate object. They will use…
Help your students learn how to analyze and present data Use this lesson plan to help students learn how to read and…
Students discuss the ways in which they are similar and different. This is a great activity to enjoy as an icebreaker…
Engage students in your classroom with our Top 10 favorite interactive educational technology resources. These websites…
This article provides an overview of the use of authentic assessment to measure student abilities and progress. Through…
Learn how symmetry is classified in biology, earth science, and more Explore connections in mathematics and nature with…
How do you manage student behavior? Having a strategic plan based on the type of behavior is key. Managing disruptive…
Learn and apply this critical reading instruction strategy Visualizing refers to our ability to create pictures in our…
This 40-minute latitude and longitude lesson plan will help students understand how latitude and longitude are used to…
There are many different ways in which you can effectively teach your students. Learn about many different methodologies…
In shared writing, the teacher and students compose text together, with both contributing their thoughts and ideas to…
Using multiple intelligence activities in the classroom allows educators to cater to the varied ways in which different…
Reflection is a critical 21st Century and social-emotional skill Use our guidelines to teach Reflective Journals which…
A positive classroom begins with you Read ideas and find resources on establishing and maintaining acceptable behavior…