Find back to school arts & crafts activities, supply check lists, grammar worksheets, counting and number practice, and…
Enrich before- or after-school programs with fun and educational activities. This slideshow features games, arts &…
Use math flashcards with this board game to practice various math facts.
Help your students learn basic science facts about the human body, animals, planets and more, with this printable book…
Interesting facts and fun activities related to the board game "Monopoly."
Your students will enjoy learning about measurement and geometric shapes with these printable tangram pieces and mosaic…
Celebrate friendship by hosting a Fin-tastic Friendship Festival in your classroom. This activity kit for Liz Kessler's…
Students will use logic and geometry to solve these math puzzles.
This teaching guide to Poptropica's 24 Carrot Island will help kids discover topics such as economics, the solar system,…
Celebrate 50 years of adventure with games and printables featuring detective Leroy Brown, a.k.a Encyclopedia Brown.…
Find out what medieval townspeople and peasants did for entertainment during the Middle Ages. This worksheet includes…
In this Math fluency game, students use their speed and fluency skills to make 10 as quickly as they can. Students are…
Use these bingo cards to play Bingo, after learning election vocabulary.
Enhance science skills with an activity that focuses on careers and symbols.
Play bingo with election vocabulary to have fun and assess your students' knowledge of the words. This is a great game…
Read about the Scrabble Champions Tournament and learn about history and trivia of this fun word game.
A brief history of the Olympic games, both Ancient and Modern, in Athens, Greece.
Enrich class time during the Thanksgiving holiday season by encouraging your students to use the Internet for research,…
From costumes to estimation to making mobiles -- here are lots of great, educational activities for your class to enjoy…
Enjoy an art project that is perfect for Native American Heritage Month (November).
Challenge your children with a crossword puzzle that focuses on the history of libraries. Your students can complete…
You'll find many fun games and activities inside this slideshow, which covers math vocabulary, counting, place value,…
Develop math skills with an activity that focuses on matching tens and ones.