This printable includes pictures and visual representations of the zodiac constellations, which will help students learn…
Use this multiple-choice quiz to test students' knowledge of stars, galaxies, and constellations.
Learn about stars, constellations, and galaxies in this fact sheet. This printable includes images to help students…
Explain what the Milky Way is with this astronomy printable. Students will use their knowledge of stars and galaxies to…
Practice converting light-years to miles. In this astronomy worksheet, students will also learn about the color and…
Use this astronomy worksheet to learn about the stages in the life cycle of a star. Students will complete a diagram to…
Correctly define terms related to the Sun and other stars to solve this word puzzle. This space-science printable…
Explore the Big Dipper with your class.
Teach your students about constellations with these three activities.
Describe how a star forms and match key terms with their descriptions in this space science printable.
In this space science activity, students use information about temperature to correctly color the North Star, Procyon B,…
Students view pictures of the Zodiac constellations, and learn the best time to see them.
Explore patterns in the sky with this worksheet about constellations. Students will match each constellation with its…
Discover the wonders of the night sky in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres with this constellation worksheet.…
Students make star pictures by connecting dots on the paper.
The major constellations are shown so your children and you can get outside and enjoy the wonders of the night sky.
Try a printable science activity that focuses on facts about stars.
Try a printable science activity that focuses on locating the North Star.
Try a printable science activity that focuses on creating constellations.
Gauge students' knowledge and understanding of the Sun and other stars with this printable exam. In the first section,…
Test your students' knowledge of the stars in the night sky with this constellations quiz.
Review the color and temperature of stars with this space science printable. Students will correct false statements…
Magnitude is a measure of a star's brightness. Use the sentence-completion and diagram in this space science printable…