Examine how we humans use our five senses with the discussion questions and activities in this teacher's guide for…
Develop students' geography and social studies skills with the activities and discussion questions in this printable…
Encourage elementary students to learn more about the space sciences with the activities and discussion questions in…
Use a printable that contains facts about the planets. This printable includes Pluto as a planet, even though it is now…
Employ a printable reading activity that helps build skills in locating information.
Try a library-skills activity that focuses on using an encyclopedia.
Try a library-skills activity that focuses on using guide words.
Try a library-skills activity that focuses on the reference collection.
Try a library-skills activity that focuses on encyclopedias.
Try a library-skills activity that focuses on reference collection.
Try a library-skills activity that focuses on an encyclopedia bibliography.
Try a library-skills activity that focuses on using encyclopedias.
Try a library-skills activity that focuses on alphabetizing and dictionary research.
Challenge students to identify the organisms in this science printable and to research what kind of food each…
Introduce students to and help them become familiar with well-known African-Americans and their contributions using this…
Distribute a printable activity about transportation that focuses on using a flow chart.
Distribute a printable social studies activity on Thomas Jefferson that focuses on recognizing people important to U.S.…
Try a library-skills activity that focuses on a magazine bibliography.
Try a library-skills activity that focuses on using a dictionary. Children look up each word in parenthesis to complete…
Try a library-skills activity that focuses on dictionary research.
Try a library-skills activity that focuses on using periodicals.