Send home a family activity letter that will help your students practice counting to sixty by using the page numbers of…
Send home a family activity letter that will help your students practice counting to one hundred using coins and playing…
Send home a family activity letter that will help your students practice their skills with money and counting.
Send home a family activity letter that will help your students practice measuring with cooking activities and a…
Print a worksheet that illustrates several activities for your second grade students to practice various math skills…
Use this printable of a scavenger hunt to encourage children to find natural objects then count, double, and draw them.
Send home a family activity letter that will help your students practice numbers up to 100 with guessing how many items…
Send home a family activity letter that will help your students use coins to "buy and sell" to learn about money.
Send home a family activity letter that will help your students practice telling time with story problems and…
Send home a family activity letter that will help your students practice adding two digit numbers by playing question…
Send home a family activity letter that will help your students practice subtracting 2-digit numbers by watching the…
Send home a family activity letter that will help your students practice counting to 1,000 and comparing 3-digit…
Send home a family activity letter that will help your students practice measuring with a ruler and cooking and baking.
Send home a family activity letter that will help your students practice using fractions and describing shapes with food…
Print a worksheet that encourages students to make a schedule at home to organize their time.
Hand out a printable that has children estimating with money while making purchases at the grocery store with their…
Have students think of "fact families" when estimating costs while out shopping with their families.
Encourage students to use multiplication to take inventory of the items in their homes.
Have students figure out how many servings of each food group their family needs per day with multiplication.
Encourage students to find multiplication and division "fact families" with some of the items in their home.
Have your students use estimation and then a ruler to figure out the dimensions of some boxes in their homes.
This printable has your students using fractions in the home by grouping together and evaluating household objects.
Playing this game reinforces how fractions and decimals are related. It can be played at home with the student's family.
Have your students practice probability by having them predict the likelihood that certain events might happen in their…