Encourage your students to become "Planet Protectors" with this calendar of events and activities. The calendar includes…
In addition to global warming, greenhouse gases, carbon dioxide, and rising temperatures are covered in this printable…
Students learn about nonrenewable energy sources, like fossil fuels, and brainstorm ways to conserve them. The…
Children study air movements by making a wind vane.
Using reference materials, students will research the habitats of extinct, endangered, and threatened animals listed in…
These simple tips can help your pupils save paper at school and at home.
Sing this song to the tune of "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star" to teach young children about plants and gardening.
In this worksheet, children will circle the items that will help a flower grow.
Have fun teaching students about the environment with a green arts-and-crafts project. Children will reuse a coffee can…
Students estimate the size of a brine shrimp population. Assesses their understanding of the sampling method, and their…
By understanding a product's life cycle – the development, use, and disposal of a product – people can make better…
Begin teaching students at a young age the importance of reusing and recycling with this mini coloring book. An old jar…
Use this worksheet with the Air Quality and the Weather lesson.
Explore an activity that is an experiential approach through which students examine the microbial world -- specifically…
Students identify three land biomes using average monthly temperatures and precipitation amounts. Assesses students'…
Teach children about Earth Day (April 22) with the activities outlined in this printable. Students will learn how they…
Students explore how paper can be recycled in this packet of activities. A materials list, preparation instructions,…
Students find a way to reuse a container in this printable activity. Discussing recycling is a great way to spend Earth…
After matching each energy resource with its description, students will identify the source of pollution and types of…
Evaluate true/false statements about alternate forms of energy from the Sun, wind, and water. Then draw a flowchart that…
Review green vocabulary terms to supplement your environmental science curriculum.
Challenge children to identify the recyclable items in this worksheet. Save paper by projecting this worksheet to your…
Use the activities on this poster to explore the implications of global warming and climate change on the Earth. The…
Educate your students about how they can help the environment with these great activities from What Planet Are You From,…