This customizable rubric will help you to assess students' comprehension and performance for individual activities. The…
Use this analogy organizer when teaching new concepts to your class. Your students will find it easier to understand…
Managing mounds of paper requires organization. These suggestions are successful strategies for creative and efficient…
Congratulate your classroom of graduates with certificates that celebrate their achievements! This customizable and…
Magnetism, electromagnetic induction, and other physics terms are reviewed in this vocabulary printable. Students are…
Use this checklist to ensure appropriate assessment accommodations are used in test taking.
Use the clues to determine the appropriate scientific term for each blank in this fun crossword puzzle.
A three-column chart can be used to organize ideas in any curriculum area.
Refer to the diagram of the solar system in this printable to answer questions about mass and gravity. As a skill…
Improve your students' skills with identifying patterns and advancing their knowledge of the times tables and number…
Before starting a unit on physical science, give students this diagnostic test to assess their knowledge of physics and…
Gauge students' understanding of living things and the environment with this printable test about ecosystems and natural…
An essential, must-have rubric for language arts classes The organization, elements of summaries, grammar, usage,…
Before starting a unit on life science, give students this diagnostic test to assess their knowledge of plants, animals,…
Learn about the ancient traditions and modern celebrations of the Chinese New Year. These videos and classroom…
Save time with this flexible and ready-to-use student progress report template for reviewing student performance and…
After reading and discussing the genre of historical fiction, students consider the life of immigrants and write a story…
Use the questions in this science printable to review the characteristics of living things.
Complete this form during or immediately after a parent-teacher conference. Have all parties involved sign the form.…
Use this customizable printable to help you prepare notes, teaching objectives, and materials for your next lesson plan.…
Use this multiple-choice and written-response printable science exam in your classroom to your test students' knowledge…
In this project, students will research a notable African-American scientist and then create a social media account for…
Arrange a main idea and four supporting examples on a spider map. This printable is customizable. Tailor the PDF to your…
Challenge students to solve this world puzzle by correctly defining terms related to the human impact on the…