Reinforce your students' arithmetic skills with this printable daily warm-up on mathematical operations.
Students practice their problem-solving skills by making a stem-and-leaf diagram from the math data provided and then…
Try this printable to help students practice problem-solving skills by analyzing the data represented on the two…
Use this 8-page math activity from TinkerActive Workbooks to introduce your first-graders to addition and subtraction…
Apply math skills to real-life problems involving decimals, money, and measurement. Students need to choose the…
To solve each word problem in this math worksheet, students must decide which operation to use: addition, subtraction,…
Test students' problem-solving skills with word problems involving mixed operations. Students must choose the…
Practice using a table with this printable math worksheet. The table lists students' names and the number of glasses of…
In this printable worksheet, students are given a list of problems and must decide whether there is too little or too…
Reinforce your students' subtraction skills with this printable daily warm-up on mathematical operations.
This 3rd grade mathematics video from Genius Plaza covers word problems. Students will learn how to spot the "clues"…
The SIR Right strategy guide helps children tackle math word problems in a systematic and consistent way.
Students explore addition and subtraction problems with multiple steps. Addition and subtraction concepts are explained…
Students solve word problems helping them practice their problem-solving skills. Use this printable as a lesson…
Educate students about the history of Australia's Snowy Mountain Hydro-Electric Scheme with this reading passage and…
Students must decide which operation to use—addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division—to solve these real-life…
The word problems in this worksheet give students practice applying multiplication and division skills to real-life…
Encourage students to use mental math to solve the word problems in this multi-digit addition worksheet. These real-life…
This printable math worksheet features multiplication and division word problems. To complete the exercises, children…
Students will apply addition and subtraction skills to real-life word problems involving measurements. Remind students…
Give students practice using addition and subtraction to solve real-life word problems involving money and units of…
How much time has elapsed? Students use their understanding of time to track changes in hours or minutes for each word…
Use this printable math daily warm-up to reinforce your students' skills with graphs, data, and probability.