To solve these word problems, students compare monetary values, identify coins, add, subtract, and count by 5s and 10s.
Students add, subtract, and compare values of coins to solve these math word problems.
This addition worksheet gives students practice solving word problems that include multiple addends. Encourage students…
Encourage students to use mental math to solve the word problems in this multi-digit subtraction worksheet.
Students must choose between addition and subtraction to solve each word problem in this math worksheet.
Use this worksheet to practice subtracting three-digit numbers. Some of these horizontal subtraction problems, vertical…
Give students practice subtracting three-digit numbers with the problems in this math worksheet. These horizontal…
Use this worksheet to give students more practice adding decimals with money and units of measure. This printable…
Students draw pictures to demonstrate the word problems. These addition problems are a good introduction to basic…
Find the sum in these two-digit, vertical addition problems and word problems. Regrouping is not required to solve these…
Ask students to solve these subtraction word problems. Have them write their answers using number words instead of…
These word problems are incomplete. Write the missing information you need to have to answer the questions.
The word problems in this printable math worksheet allow students to apply the arithmetic skills they have practiced to…
Choose the operation (addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division) to solve the word problems in this math…
To solve the word problems in this worksheet, students must choose which operation (addition, subtraction,…
Students use a line plot to answer word problems about range, mode, and median.
Students must determine the operation to be used in solving word problems.
Students use estimates to decide if they will have enough money to make a purchase.
On this worksheet, children will explore multiplication stories.
This printable lists many math hints to help students recall different skills they've learned in the past.
This printable worksheet will introduce children to problem solving. Improve your students' math skills with these…
In this printable worksheet, children must choose an operation – addition or subtraction. Improve your students' math…
Children will decide whether they should overestimate or underestimate to solve the problems on this printable…
In this printable worksheet, children must choose an operation to solve fraction problems. Improve your students' math…