In this video, Daniel uses inches on a ruler to estimate the length and height of various objects.
In this video, Jackson uses a centimeter ruler to estimate the length of various objects.
In this video, Daniel uses a meter stick to estimate the length of various objects.
In this video, Emily learns how to read numerical data from bar graphs.
In this video, Jada uses a number line to do multiplication by skip counting.
In this video, Emily learns how to divide by using repeated subtraction.
In this video, Carlos learns about patterns in the multiplication of 2 and 5.
In this video, Carlos uses arrays to learn about the distributive property of multiplication.
In this video, Carlos uses the distributive property to simplify equations with 6 and 7 as factors.
In this video, Carlos uses the facts he's learned to practice multiplication with unknown facts.
In this video, Jackson uses the order of operations to solve a complex math problem.
In this video, Jackson learns about the relationship between division, and even and odd numbers.
In this video, Emily and Daniel learn the different classifications of quadrilaterals. Use this resource to reinforce…
In this video, Carlos learns how to convert between milligrams and grams.
In this video, Carlos learns how to convert between milliliters and liters.
In this video, Carlos learns how to convert between meters and kilometers.
In this video, Carlos learns how to convert between pounds and tons.
In this video, Carlos learns how to convert between quarts and pints.
In this video, Carlos learns about the associative property of multiplication.
In this video, Jackson learns how to use multiplication facts to figure out division facts.
In this video, Jada and Carlos create stories to apply math problems to real-life situations.
In this video, Zeke learns how to use multiplication and the distributive property to calculate area.
In this video, Daniel learns the steps to make his own bar graph to present data.
In this video, Carlos learns how to convert between yards, feet, and inches.