In this video, Jackson learns the properties of basic three-dimensional geometric shapes by selecting the best shapes…
In this video, Jackson learns to identify and label basic three-dimensional geometric shapes (cube, sphere, cone,…
In this video, Marta learns the concept of capacity, and how to estimate capacity using more, less and simple measuring…
In this video, Marta learns the concept of weight, and the measurement of weight using a scale.
In this video, Marta learns how to compare groups of items, without counting them, to determine which group has more.
In this video, Emily writes a subtraction sentence to find the missing part of a whole. …
In this video, Jackson uses cube trains to learn how to count on to solve addition problems.
In this video, Emily uses an addition fact to solve a subtraction problem.
In this video, Jada uses an addition fact and counting cubes to solve a subtraction problem.
In this video, Alex learns how to use doubles to solve a series of addition problems.
In this video, Marta learns to fill a 10-frame model to solve an addition problem.
In this video, Marta uses data collected in a T-chart to make a picture graph displaying her friends' favorite…
In this video, Marta uses 10-frames to count to 120 by tens.
In this video, Jada and Alex learn to count consecutive numbers on a number chart.
In this video, Daniel learns how to count two-digit numbers using groups of 10 (tens) and lefotver 1s (ones).
In this video, Alex uses place-value blocks to learn how the 10s and 1s place digits increase or decrease as values are…
In this video, Alex learns how to solve problems by making a list of questions to organize possible answers to find the…
In this video, Jackson learns how to count hours using the hour and minute hands on a clock.
In this video, Jackson learns how to tell time using the hour and minute hands on a clock.
In this video, Carlos uses a variety of 2-D shapes (triangle, rhombus, square) to solve puzzles involving other…
In this video, Carlos learns the various attributes of the solid figures cone, circle, triangular prism, rectangular…
In this video, Marta learns how to use 10-frames and counters to solve an addition problem.
In this video, Carlos uses addition facts and sentences to solve subtraction problems, and learns that addition facts…
In this video, Jada learns to add two numbers using tens and ones on a hundred chart.